ABV: 5.4%
IBUs: 25
Availability: Seasonal from January till March
Method (draft, can, bottle): Bottle
Description: The Harpoon Celtic Ale is golden reddish when poured from the bottle and had very little head. As you pour it into a pint glass, you can smell some of the malts. , but the malts were more subtle than what I was expecting. The taste right from the fridge was crisp, but if you are planning on drinking this beer ice cold, we feel you will be losing some of its character. We would suggest letting this beer warm a bit so that the generous amounts of malts can come through to reveal its smooth caramel finish. The Harpoon Celtic Ale is a very drinkable beer and we could have a few, but unless you have a case stored away now you might not be able to find this again till next year.