Follow me on Twitter: @TRAlbe
Background: I am originally from New Jersey, but currently reside near Newtown, PA. During college I studied History while working on a Minor in Film/TV production. I ended up working on another passion as a computer programmer after college, where now I travel the world focusing on system architecture for companies.
Favorite Restaurant: il Latini is hands down my favorite place to eat EVER. If you enjoy traveling and land in Florence, Italy this is the place to stop and eat.
Favorite Beer: Timothy Taylor Landlord is the beer I wish I could drink everyday.
Favorite Brewery: Alaskan Brewing Company because quality People produce quality Beer. Nuff Said..
What are your interests: Since I travel a lot I enjoy exploring the interesting foods and beers of the region I am in. The idea of bringing what I find to others who enjoy traveling or just travel for work is exciting. When I am not on the road I enjoy cooking with the fresh ingredients we grow in our garden. This allows me to experiment and create our own recipes, while knowing that I put the physical work into farming what we are eating. This concept while not new is growing because of cost of living and individuals leaning towards eating Organic foods. This is why the Hop & Kettle represents my love of Beer, Traveling, Quality Food, and much more.