Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
ABV: 6.5%
Availability: Year Round (?)
Method (draft, can, bottle): Bottle
Description: This beer is a single hop beer using the Soracti Ace hop variety. Brooklyn Brewery decided that these hops would work perfectly in a farmhouse saison ale and they were spot on. When you pour this beer you are presented with a bright golden colored, unfiltered ale. This saison ale has great citrus zest and floral notes which come from the Soracti hop. The lemon citrus continues into the flavor but has a subtle peppery flavor that catches your attention and reminds you how great this beer is. One of the things we found was that there is virtually no bitterness in this beer from the hops in the finish. If you enjoy hefeweizens or wheat beers you will want to try this beer out. Sorachi Ace has grown hugely popular since its release and for good reasons. Stories have surfaced that Brooklyn has decided to make this beer a regular year round release; keep an eye out for it. Side Note: I have been looking and have not been able to find them yet. If anyone has seen them in the shops email us at